Why Are Employers So Resistant to Change Health Plan Models?
We are going to let you in on a big secret – your insurance carrier has probably trained you to fear the process.
One way in which this is done is Insurance Agencies are paid well by the carriers. Agencies receive commissions, as well as retention bonuses, and contingency income. Now, that is a typical practice, not exclusive to insurance, and there is nothing wrong with paying someone a retention bonus or paying a company a contingency. The problem we see in our world (yes, we are an insurance agency) is that when those incentives aren’t disclosed an agency or agent may not act in the client’s best interest. Traditional agencies and agents are more focused on the bottom line than being Driven Together™ with their clients. It comes back to who is controlling the process (the carrier).
It’s Not Your Fault
Sometimes, there is a fear of asking for documentation. I had an HR manager tell me, “I’ve developed a good relationship. I don’t want to ask for my claims information because I could disrupt the relationship.”
Are you kidding me? It’s your claims information!